Re: Khadrs have friends at the top

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Posted by Al Gordon on 10:50:13 2022/04/16

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In Reply to: Re: Canada welcomes Khadr terrorist family posted by Joan O'Callaghan

As Canadians, members of the Khadr family have the right to their "own views" that do not warrant stripping them of their citizenship, Paul Martin says.

These are the words of Canada's Prime Minister. The murderous, racist venom uttered by the Khadrs, as well as their actions, are merely their "own views".

How is it that we haul other Canadian citizens into court for denying the Holocaust (and rightly so), and yet our Foreign Minister and Prime Minister rush to defend these people? Of course, the Khadrs don't deny the Holocaust, they celebrate it, and are calling for its re-emergence on a global scale.

So ordinary Canadian citizens will feel the full weight of the law for Holocaust denial, and Bill Sampson is allowed to rot in a Saudi prison on trumped-up charges with no help from our Prime Minister. Yet the highest office in the land will directly intervent to have a terrorist released from a Pakistani prison and his terrorist family welcomed back to Canada after their overseas jihad.

Can anyone explain what is going on here?


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