Re: Middle Eastern immigrants bribe immigration officer

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Posted by Peter K. on 11:00:47 2022/12/18

In Reply to: Re: Middle Eastern immigrants bribe immigration officer posted by Michael

This just about does it for me. The federal government shows no signs of excercising leadership, it is inept, and its Cabinet is staffed with Peter Principle Poster Children.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada's track record indicates it does not protect the security of Canadians and this is a serious crime. When Immigration can be bought off, it becomes an horrendous security liability. In that regard, I would appeal to the Conservative Party of Canada to bring down this government as quickly as possible. I don't care how it does it, I don't care how unseemly it might appear, but the Liberal Party's time is up.

When it campaigns in the next election, the CPC must hammer away at the record of the Liberal Party, force them to defend themselves, force them to explain themselves, force them to justify their tolerance for incompetence and corruption. No more sensitivity and respect; the Liberal Party of Canada no longer deserves to lead and the only alternatative party must be merciless in making this case.

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