Re: Maybe this explains our China and Iraq policies

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Posted by Brian Lemon on 18:16:28 2022/03/05

In Reply to: Maybe this explains our China and Iraq policies posted by Al Gordon

This is a subtantial piece of work that makes the Goo of Quebec politics even murkier.
While Michael Moore and his useless ilk rant on about the Bush family's nebulous ties to the Bin Ladin family, the ties between Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, and Saddam Hussein are well documented.
But, Canadians retain desires to be ruled by an uber-class - a group that treats their subjects with distain.
There is no democracy in Canada: in a row our singular leaders have been Martin, Chretien, Mulroney and Trudeau - all of whom have had close ties to Power Corp, the Desmarais family and Maurice Strong.
And Canadians like it.

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